About MegaLink Energy Supply

Over the years, Dick has evolved along with the energy industry, and when energy deregulation began to sweep the nation, he decided to start earning his living by helping energy consumers get the best possible rates for their particular needs.
In June 2009 Dick began working with various energy suppliers as an independent contractor. On January 25, 2012, MegaLink Energy Supply Inc. was formed and became officially licensed as a Competitive Energy Provider in the State of Maine. Since that time, he has expanded his business and become licensed to operate in several other states including Massachusetts.

The elimination of regulation from a previously regulated industry or sector of an industry (such as electricity or natural gas); sometimes used interchangeably with restructuring.
The delivery of electricity or natural gas by the utility to the retail customer’s home or business through local electrical lines or gas pipelines.
A business entity that obtains its primary revenues from the operations of a local retail electricity or natural gas distribution system and operates no transportation system other than connections within its own system or to the system of another company. Most often, an LDC is a utility.
An entity (including an energy marketer or energy services company – or ESCO) licensed or approved by a state utility regulatory agency to provide electricity supply to consumers. With energy choice, consumers can choose their electric supplier. The energy is then delivered by the consumer’s utility distribution company.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulates the price, terms and conditions of natural gas and electricity sold in interstate commerce and regulates the price, terms and conditions of all wholesale transactions. FERC is the federal counterpart to state utility regulatory commissions.
The basic unit of electric energy equal to one kilowatt of power supplied to or taken from an electric circuit steadily for one hour. One kilowatt-hour equals 1,000 watt-hours.
The equivalent of 100,000 Btu or approximately 100 cubic feet of natural gas.